Is There An Embarrassing Image Of You Still Floating Round Page One Or Two Whilst You Google Your Name?
Irrespective of what horribly embarrassing, incriminating, or an adverse image Google mercilessly shows you whenever you search your name, you have to be aware that you’re not helpless. There are steps you can take to help remove unwanted images and we have laid two of those out below:
There are 2 techniques to remove images and videos online. Of course one is easier and one is markedly tougher. We’ll begin with the easiest one first.
In Case You’re The Webmaster:
You will have to delete the images out of your site. This will also include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr, and so forth… when you delete the images, that doesn’t mean Google has removed the images from search results. (as I am sure you’ve realised). That is because Google has already saved the initial searched images on their servers and only links to the website whilst a visitor clicks the “Fullsize photo” link or clicks via your website. This could eventually be corrected by itself when Google does any other crawl of the site, refreshing its records (However this can take months to achieve). We can help you speedup the process by helping you remove the outdated content URL to the image.
In Case You’re Not The Webmaster:
This may prove extra tough as Google doesn’t give everyone the right to censor search results just because you’ve asked them to. Fortunately, we’re doubtful many of you are essential celebrities who have your paparazzi images showing up all over Google image search results so you are probably struggling to outrank these images. Here’s how we can help you in this case. We will assess the content you wish to remove and create a strategy around the best removal process. Whether that’s getting in touch with a relevant webmaster/ISP or Google themselves. Google has supplied some beneficial guidelines as to how to remove your images on the web (sadly these are very confusing without years of experience so without a content removal agency they are hard to leverage for yourself). You could give them an explanation why you would like the images taken down and offer a replacement in the event that they’re using your image for reasonable motive like an information article. Chances are that they will refuse to take down the image. This does not mean that the image can’t be removed, it could simply be you are using the wrong tactics in this case. If you go to remove the images and get refused take the URL of the image and contact us immediately to help you remove that negative image on the web and save you the time and energy.
How Can Negative Online Images Be De-Indexed?
Negative images that are found on the web can cause great harm, yet it may not strictly fall on these category of de-indexing. Images that harm your reputation, whether it is your personal reputation or that of your business can be extremely hard to de-index. Even in cases where the image is attached to an information thats probably not authentic. There are other reputation management techniques we have devised that will let you to enhance the overall sentiment of your search rankings.
The Easy, Fast & Reliable Way To Remove Images Online! has an extended track record of success in fixing company and personal reputations. We will help you on your endeavours to de-index harmful images online and delete them at source. We can also help in cases where your de-indexing requests have been denied. Fixing your online reputation is not easy, and whatever worked before might not work today. However, assistance is at hand – we successfully transform reputations online every day. Contact us today to get started.